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All greyhound breeds are rascals and were originally bred purely for hunting. Typical for the greyhound is the slim and slender physique with a pointed catch. Depending on the country and climate, greyhound breeds have adapted to different environmental conditions.

There are many commercial greyhound races in England and the United States, as well as in some other countries, most of them on racecourses set up for this purpose. In Russia, greyhounds are still often used for hunting today. In Western Europe and the US, on the other hand, greyhounds are today usually kept as family dogs.

Despite the original hunting orientation, the greyhound usually has a calm, well-balanced nature, provided it is of high quality breeding. Then, representatives of these breeds are usually well suited as family dogs because of their character, even if you need a lot of exercise and adequate employment, so as not to atrophy physically and mentally.

The Afghan Greyhound has long been considered the world’s most popular greyhound. This breed of dog is considered one of the oldest breeds in this category. He was „discovered“ only by Western European dog lovers in the 19th century. Like many greyhound breeds, he has a very friendly nature, but these intelligent dogs are usually more independent and proud. They are not easy to train and, like greyhound breeds in general, are not necessarily suitable for inexperienced dog owners. Greyhounds should be trained with consistency and a lot of patience, which can be a sporty task for the dog.


Living with you

  • Flourish in competitions
  • Appreciate life in the home
  • Need little grooming
  • Have a huge desire to be close to their family

The Greyhound needs two 20 minute walks a day and will be calm and silent in the home, which makes him an ideal pet.

He is a great companion for children as his stature and originality make him an object of wonder for small children. The Greyhound takes the role of big brother very seriously and likes to play with their young friends. But he will take no disrespect and would rather leave than have his tail and ears pulled.

The Greyhound needs to be muzzled when taken for walks in the country because of his tendancy to chase small animals. This should not be perceived as negative, as it has to be remembered that these dogs are genetically programmed as hunters and have been trained for hundreds of years.
This extraordinary dog flourishes in competition but needs large doses of attention, and a traditional home life.

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