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If a dog is injured, the owners should approach the animal carefully and approach it calmly. The intrinsic safety has priority. Injured animals that are in shock or are afraid of biting could try to ward off help.

Always leash the animal first so it does not run away. If you are a couple, it is recommended to tie the catch of the animal with a wide cloth or a broader line.

Paw Association and Co

Depending on the injury, various measures such as the application of a paw band or the application of a pressure bandage in case of heavy bleeding are necessary. In case of a fracture, a leg splint may be applied to stop the fracture.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

If the dog is unconscious, it may be caused by poisoning or cardiac arrest. Always check first if the dog is still breathing and his heart is still beating. If you can not feel a heartbeat, put the dog on its right side, stretch its head and pull out the tongue. Then you start the cardiopulmonary resuscitation: the 30 heart massages (one massage / per second) are followed by two respirations.

Transport of an injured animal

If an injured animal can no longer walk on its own, it is carried away with the injured body side of the person wearing it. For injuries of the upper limbs you can hang these freely. But that does not apply to breaks. Here, the broken limb should be stored during transport, so it does not back and forth.

Smaller injured dogs are put in a basket for transport. Greater animals are carefully pulled onto a spread blanket and carried in pairs. If one suspects multiple fractures or a spinal injury, is suitable for transport a board.

For more informations see: dogshome.org

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